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Sacred Playgrounds Parent Survey

Pecometh partnered with Sacred Playgrounds to survey caregivers about the experience their campers had at camp. We’re excited to share what we’re learning!

Camp Program Updates (2000 × 1333 px)

2024 Summer Camp Program Sneak Peak

It’s that time of year again… we’re working on next year’s Summer Camp Schedule. Check out next year’s camp dates and mark your calendars!

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Pecometh Story: Born to Be a Camp Counselor

Camp Pecometh has always been a part of Courtney Parker’s life, but not everything was great during her first summer at camp.

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2024 Summer Camp Dates

It’s that time of year again… we’re working on next year’s Summer Camp Schedule. Check out next year’s camp dates and mark your calendars!


Pecometh Story: Payback for All the Good Times

To say Jean Wothers has the love of Pecometh in her heart would be an understatement.

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August Appeal to Support Pecometh

August is designated as the month when Peninsula-Delaware Conference churches are invited take up special offerings to support Pecometh.

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Pecometh Story: Ready to Work!

Rev. Tom Carter grew up on a dairy farm in Newark, Delaware. Young Tom knew all about long days and the perpetual work that needed to be done.

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Pecometh Story: 30 Years and Counting

Samantha Saul was looking for a special vacation to share with her three children. Her and her kids had to start a new life as a “new type of family.” 

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Pecometh Story: A Sliver of Hope

Samantha Saul was looking for a special vacation to share with her three children. Her and her kids had to start a new life as a “new type of family.” 

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