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Request a Visit

Did you know you can invite Pecometh staff or Pecometh representatives to visit your church to share information about our ministries?

We can visit during Sunday morning worship, during youth group or Sunday School, or even a Saturday or weeknight. We can even bring a sermon or lesson so you can take a week off message prep! 

Possible Visit Formats

Sunday Morning Worship

Have a staff member give a Mission/Ministry Moment or even a Sermon in worship. (We can also pre-record if your worship is virtual. 

Sunday School or Youth Group

Pecometh Staff can come visit your children's or youth ministry to share about Camp. We can even provide the programming complete with games and an interactive lesson. 

Ministry or Resource Fair

Having a camp fair or a family night to share about different resources for families? We can set up a table and share about our overnight and day camp programs! 

Have something else in mind?
Let us know when you fill out the form! 

No meeting selected

Select an existing meeting from the sidebar, or create a new one by navigating to the Meetings tool

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